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ChemSep LITE is available *free* from our downloads page and may be used for any purpose. It is part of the COCO flowsheeting program.

Academic institutions and students may acquire unrestricted site licenses (for educational use only) from the CACHE Corporation (Email: cache@uts.cc.utexas.edu). University department site licenses permits the installation of ChemSep on any and all machines in the department. In addition, instructors may install ChemSep on their own home computers. Over 75 universities worldwide license(d) ChemSep, see our academic reference list below. The university department site license costs $100 for the first year and $60 in subsequent years, for departments that are members of CACHE ($115/$75 for non-members). You can also order ChemSep via mail by writing to the CACHE Corporation, PO Box 126, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA.

If you wish to use ChemSep for commercial purposes your organization should consider becoming a member of the ChemSep consortium .

Academic Reference List

Ajou Univ., Korea
Bogazici Univ., Turkey
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Catholic Polytechnic West-Flanders, Belgium
Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Sweden
Colorado State University, USA
CONICET - Univ. Nac. De Salta, Argentina
Cork Inst. of Tech., Ireland
Cto. P. Generalisimo, Mexico
Curtin University of Tech., Australia
FEESC, Brazil
Florida Tech, USA
Evangelista Torricelli, Italy
Frankfurt University, Germany
GH Patel College of Engg. and Tech., India
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Inha University, Korea
Inst. of Chemical Tech., Czech Rep.
Inst. Sup. de Engen. de Coimbra, Portugal
Instytut Chemii Nieorganicznej, Poland
Instytut Inzinierij Chemicznej, Poland
Kansas State University, USA
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Korea Poly. Univ.
Kuwait University, Kuwait
Laurentian University, Canada
Louisiana State University, USA
Massey University, New Zealand
McMaster University, Canada
Michigan Technological University, USA
Montana State University, USA
Nagoya Inst. of Tech., Japan
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Poli Technika Warszawska, Poland
Polska Adademia Nauk, Poland
Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, Czech rep.
Princeton University, USA
Queen's University, Canada
CV Raman College of Engineering, India
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA
SUNY at Buffalo, USA
Tamkang Univ., P.R. China
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany
Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech., Israel
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Technological University Delft, the Netherlands
Technologisch Instituut, Belgium
Tianjin University of Science & Technology, China
Tohoku University, Japan
Trujillo National University, Peru
Tsinghua University, P.R. China
Tufts University, USA
Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, Mexico
University Groningen, Netherlands
University Kaiserslautern, Germany
University Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
University of Cape Town, South Africa
University of Gaziantep, Turkey
University Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico
Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Universitat Dortmund, Germany
Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany
University of Arizona, USA
University of Bradford, UK
University of Cape Town
University of Cincinnati, USA
University of Connecticut, USA
University of Dublin, Ireland
University of Idaho, USA
University of Mississippi, USA
University of New South Wales, Australia
University of Oklahoma
University of Pennsylvania, USA
University of Puerto Rico
University of South Carolina, USA
University of South Florida, USA
University of Sydney, Australia
University of Twente, the Netherlands
University of Utah, USA
University of Waterloo, Canada
Villa Universidad, Mexico
Washington University, USA
West Virginia Tech, USA
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland